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Forma parte del proyecto, únete.


Documentary photographer Rodrigo Gaya Villarhas dedicated to photographing and sharing photos and stories of the people they sharethe Mexican vochero spiritto the world. ​

After 3 years focusing on the vochero culture, Rodrigo had the opportunity tobuy his car from '72.


what's next They're aseries of trips through the Mexican Republic to meet the people who have sent him photos of their vochos and finishthe last stretch of production of content forthe photo book and documentary.  

1. Sign up | 2. Share | 3. Sponsor

1.Register as a member, club, or event to receive reports, merchandise discounts, and all the details of the project. It's 100% free and gives you access to every page!

2.follow us on social networks andshare photos with the tag@VochosUnidos:

3. Patrocina el proyecto con comprar un kit de patrocinador, o con una donación directo. Tu nombre sale en el foto libro en la pagina de agradecimiento como Patrocinador.

1. Sign up




- Special discounts for merchandise and priority access to merchandise raffles.


- Connect through our exclusive forums and share your clubs/meetings/events/caravans.


- Priority access to reports: Including calendar of events and access to the registration of Clubs Vochos Unidos.

2. Share

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3. Sponsor

4. Buy the Sponsor Kit for you, your loved ones, and your bandwagon:

It includes:


- Name put in the special thank you section of the photobook.


- A VU shirt, a tote bag, 3 vinyl decals, and more!

- Everything that agrees with registering.

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